Five Ways Health and Wellness Copywriting Differs from General Copywriting

A fitness professional sits on her sofa with a MacBook, searching online for a health and wellness copywriting team to boost her business.

Source: Marta Wave/

In the competitive health and wellness industry, effective copywriting is essential for connecting with your target audience and driving conversions. We'll outline the specialized skills and approaches that are necessary for health and wellness copywriting, setting it apart from general copywriting. Understanding these distinctions will empower you to choose the right copywriting services to elevate your brand and make an impact. Harness the power of content marketing and an SEO copywriter to secure your spot as a trusted authority in the wellness industry.

1) The Importance of Industry Knowledge

Understanding the health and wellness industry is paramount for creating resonating content. A qualified health and wellness copywriter will be well-versed in various subfields such as healthcare, fitness, nutrition, and even medicine. This deep industry knowledge allows them to tailor content that speaks directly to the specific needs and wants of potential customers.

  • Terminology: It's essential for a copywriter to know the correct terms, as misuse can damage credibility. General copywriters might lack this nuanced knowledge.

  • Regulations: Knowledge about industry regulations helps in creating content that’s both compelling and compliant. Even when a health and wellness copywriter doesn't know the exact regulation or law, they'll at least know where to look. 

With an understanding of the industry and well-written content that drives organic traffic, you will offer valuable information and also gain visibility and reputation online. This is done with effective website copy and articles crafted by a well-learned copywriter. 

2) Health and Wellness Content Marketing Chops Matter

Health and wellness copywriting isn't just about writing copy. It also includes crafting a content marketing strategy that aligns with the goals and vision of health and wellness companies. High-quality, engaging content boosts visibility, establishes your brand as a go-to expert, and is essential for well-rounded health and wellness digital marketing. Here’s how:

  • SEO: A good health and wellness copywriter knows search engine optimization techniques to get your content to the top of search engine results. By using health and wellness-specific keywords and best practices, an SEO copywriter in your niche will get the job done. 

  • Inbound Marketing Skills: From email campaigns to social media platforms, a well-rounded content strategy will encompass multiple channels. A knowledgeable health and wellness copywriter will work with you and your team to ensure the content they produce is useable on various platforms.

A health and wellness copywriter sits at a desk behind his MacBook in a mostly white office, researching key topics to help boost organic traffic for their health and fitness client.

Source: Karolina Grabowska/

3) Research Skills in Health and Wellness Copywriting

General copywriting services may not be able to find the best sources to bring credibility to your health and wellness business. However, hiring a copywriter for health and wellness for your business familiar with marketing and research will ensure your copy isn't just well-written work, but also well-researched. Quality research is a non-negotiable skill in copywriting for health and wellness businesses. Here's why:

  • Source Credibility: Accurate, reliable sources are imperative for building trust.

  • Information Synthesis: The ability to amalgamate diverse sources of information into a well-crafted article or landing page is crucial.

This allows the copywriter to create content that not only educates but also solves problems, giving your brand the opportunity to make a genuine impact.

4) Understanding How Your Customer Personas Drive Conversion

A health and wellness copywriter specializes in creating marketing materials that appeal to specific customer personas. For example, when it comes to digital marketing for health and fitness brands, an experienced producer of copy will have a keen understanding and the research skills needed to build content that converts. Knowing your target audience inside and out enables you to:

  • Address Pain Points: Tailored content can offer direct solutions to problems or concerns.

  • Call to Action (CTA): A powerful CTA can guide potential clients through the customer journey, from awareness to conversion.

By deeply understanding your audience, you can craft content that connects and converts.

5) Utilizing Persuasive Language Effectively

In health and wellness, the right words can literally be a matter of life and death. Being familiar with your industry, the right copywriter can help you create content that will help you stand out for the right reasons. Whether it's medical copywriting or nutrition, conveying the message you want is paramount. Persuasive language is a powerful marketing tool, and when used effectively, it can:

  • Influence Decisions: Good copy can gently guide potential customers to make positive health choices.

  • Drive Sales: Beyond just informing, the objective of copywriting is an essential element in pushing for conversions.

Striking the right tone and voice is key in achieving these goals.

A young professional woman working on a health and wellness digital marketing campaign at the office receives a report from a co-worker.

Source: Andrea Piacquadio/

Additional Strategies to Stand Out in a Competitive Market

In a global industry valued at over $5.2 billion, it’s important to do all you can to stand out from the crowd. In addition to taking advantage of top-notch copywriting services, it’s also wise to explore other avenues.

SEO: Why It's Vital in the Health and Wellness Space

Being on the first page of search engine results is critical for visibility. Elements like keyword research and quality content play a pivotal role, and quality SEO copywriting can get you there. Here are the specifics: 

  • Visibility: SEO ensures that you're not just another website; it places you where you need to be—in front of your potential customers.

  • Long-term Results: A strong SEO strategy provides sustainable visibility, unlike short-term tactics like pay-per-click (PPC).

Testimonials: Their Role in Building Credibility in the Health and Wellness Sphere

Testimonials serve as valuable content for your business, adding a layer of trust and social proof. They should feature prominently in marketing materials like your website, brochures, and even email marketing.

  • Build Trust: Testimonials can often tip the balance in your favor when customers are choosing between you and a competitor.

  • Real-life Scenarios: They provide a snapshot of the real-world benefits your product or service offers, making it easier for potential customers to see themselves benefiting as well.

Social Media: A Must-Have Tool for Health and Wellness Engagement

In today's digital landscape, social media platforms are invaluable channels for direct engagement with your target audience. They offer an opportunity to share valuable content and build a community around your brand.

  • Engagement: Social media allows for two-way interaction, offering a chance to engage directly with your potential customers and clients. Active engagement is vital for customer retention and attracting new customers in the health and wellness space.

  • Content Sharing: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are perfect for sharing visual content like infographics, videos, and quick tips related to health and wellness. This kind of content can be shared widely and helps to establish your brand as a go-to expert in the field.

By incorporating social media into your digital marketing for health and fitness, you'll not only enhance your visibility and reputation online but also foster a sense of community and trust among your followers.

Wrapping Up: Take Your Health and Wellness Brand to the Next Level

Understanding the specialized requirements of health and wellness copywriting is a non-negotiable for any business in this industry. From SEO techniques to research skills and persuasive language, these elements collectively build your visibility and reputation online. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make a real impact—choose the right copywriting services to meet your needs.

Ready to take action? Contact us at SRP Content Copywriting Services for top-notch health and wellness digital marketing and copywriting for health and wellness. We’re experts in creating valuable content that helps businesses like yours to drive ROI.


Skyrocket Your Health and Wellness Business with Digital Marketing