Ultimate Guide to Hiring a Freelance SEO Copywriter: What You Need to Know

A blue background and floor, with four blue chairs and a fifth chair spotlighted with bright yellow.

Source: inkdrop/Canva.com

As a small or medium-sized business owner, you wear a lot of hats. You're the CEO, the CFO, the HR manager, and, in many cases, the marketing department. Sure, you might have a few employees or contractors to help with the day-to-day operations of your business, but when it comes to getting the word out about your products or services, you're largely on your own.

That's where digital marketing freelancers like freelance SEO copywriters come in. A good digital marketing freelancer can be a game-changer for your business, providing expert advice and guidance on everything from search engine optimization (SEO) to social media marketing. 

This article will provide an overview of what an SEO copywriter is, the benefits of working with freelancers, and how to work effectively with a freelance SEO copywriter to achieve your business goals.

What is an SEO Copywriter?

An SEO copywriter is a type of writer who specializes in creating content that is optimized for search engines. In addition, SEO copywriting involves creating content that includes specific keywords and phrases associated with a particular topic or niche.

SEO copywriting aims to help a website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for those keywords and phrases. In order to be successful at SEO copywriting, a writer needs to have a solid understanding of how search engines work and what people are searching for. They also need to be able to write compelling and engaging content that will encourage people to click through to a website.

How an SEO Copywriter Can Help Your Business

Search Engine Optimization, or "SEO" for short, is the process of improving the visibility and quality of your website so that it can rank higher on search engine results pages. We'll break it down into three different types of SEO so that you can better understand what an SEO copywriter can (and can't) do for you.

Source: vet kit/GettyImages.com

On-Page SEO

This type of SEO has to do with the content on your website. An SEO copywriter will help you optimize your website content so that it is more likely to appear on search engine results pages. This includes using the right keywords, making sure your titles and descriptions are eye-catching and informative, and generally ensuring that your website is easy for both humans and search engine crawlers to understand. 

Off-Page SEO

This type of SEO has to do with everything else. That means building backlinks, optimizing your social media presence, building influencer relationships, and guest blogging. Basically, anything that doesn't have to do with the actual content on your website falls under off-page SEO. Freelance SEO copywriters may or may not have experience with this type of SEO, so it's essential to ask about their knowledge and expertise before you hire them. Backlink building is significant for a solid SEO strategy, but specialists are sometimes required for this service.

Technical SEO

Finally, there's technical SEO. This is the most complex and difficult-to-understand type of SEO. Technical SEO ensures that your website's code is up to snuff and that everything is running smoothly behind the scenes, so your pages load quickly. Easy-to-navigate website architecture is also a key component of technical SEO.

While some freelance SEO copywriters may have experience with technical SEO, it's more likely that you'll need to hire a separate specialist for this type of work.

SEO Copywriter vs. Content Writer

When it comes to digital marketing, there are a lot of different terms and roles that people often confuse. One common question is: what's the difference between an SEO copywriter and a regular copywriter or content writer? 

A close up shot of a home office desk where the hands and arms of a person can be seen typing on a wireless Apple keyboard in front of an iMac.

Source: Austin Distel/Unsplash.com

The main difference lies in the focus of the writing. An SEO copywriter's primary goal is to write optimized content for search engines, to earn higher rankings on search results pages. This means that they need to have a strong understanding of how search engines work and what factors influence rankings. In addition, SEO copywriters typically spend a lot of time researching keywords and using them strategically throughout their writing to target a specific audience. 

On the other hand, regular copywriters or content writers focus on writing compelling and interesting content without necessarily optimizing it for search engines. Of course, good writing can still help improve your ranking on search engine results pages, but it's not the primary focus. In addition, regular copywriters or content writers don't typically spend as much time researching keywords as SEO copywriters. As a result, many will benefit from being provided with a content brief that reflects your target keywords and general SEO strategy.

Both types of writers can produce great content, but it's important to know which one you need depending on your goals. If you want your writing to be focused primarily on helping you earn higher rankings in search results pages, then you need an SEO copywriter who can also write useful, catchy, and attention-grabbing content.

How to Vet an SEO Copywriter and Qualifications to Look For 

As the gig economy continues to grow—it's expected to reach 86.5 million workers by 2027 in the US—it's becoming increasingly important to vet freelancers before hiring them. This is especially true in digital marketing, as the field is rife with unqualified individuals who are more than happy to take your money without delivering results. So, how can you tell if an SEO copywriter is qualified? Here are a few qualifications to look for. 

An Understanding of SEO Best Practices

A good SEO copywriter should have a basic understanding of how search engine optimization works. This includes understanding how keyword research works and being able to integrate keywords into content in a way that sounds natural and flows well. A qualified SEO copywriter can also write titles and meta descriptions that are both appealing and optimized for search engines. 

We recommend hiring someone who has worked in SEO for over two years. The average lifespan of an SEO campaign is one to two years. The tactics and best practices are constantly changing, so it's important to work with someone who stays on top of the latest trends. A good SEO copywriter will have a wealth of knowledge about the topic and will be able to offer long-term strategies for your website.

Excellent Writing Skills 

Source: simonapilollatnf/Canva.com

This one should go without saying, but an excellent command of grammar, spelling, and punctuation is a must for any good writer—SEO or otherwise. An excellent way to gauge an SEO copywriter's writing skills is to ask for their portfolio or samples of their work before hiring them. Not only will this give you a sense of their writing style, but it will also allow you to see how well they can integrate keywords into their writing. 

If you have a particular writing style in mind, you should communicate this to your candidate before asking them for samples. For example, health writing for a biotech firm will be very different in tone and style from writing for a fashion blog. The last thing you want is to miss the opportunity to work with a talented copywriter because their writing samples don't fit the tone of your website, yet they're perfectly capable of writing in the style you're looking for.

An Understanding of Your Business and Target Audience 

A qualified SEO copywriter will take the time to understand your business and target audience before starting to write anything. They'll know who your ideal customer is, what kind of language speaks to them, and what topics they're interested in reading about. Likewise, a good SEO copywriter can understand your business goals and objectives and craft content that is in line with those goals. What they don't know, they will take the time to research. 

The ability to understand your business and target audience is just as important as the ability to write well. After all, what good is excellent writing if it's not reaching the right people?

Project Management Skills 

An SEO copywriter worth their salt will be able to manage their time and projects effectively. This includes delivering a scope of work before starting a project, staying on schedule, and communicating effectively if there are any delays. A good project manager will also be proactive in offering solutions to any problems that may arise during a project. 

Does a "Relevant" or "Related" Degree Matter?

Should you be worried if your potential freelance SEO copywriter doesn't have a degree in marketing, business, or some related field? The answer is not necessarily. Let us explain why.

Things change quickly in digital marketing and SEO, as we keep emphasizing. Therefore, relevant experience will matter more than a degree from five or six years ago that doesn't reflect the industry's current state. That being said, an appropriate degree can be helpful in two ways. First, it shows that the copywriter can complete long-term projects and has a good understanding of conducting research. Second, a relevant degree will likely mean that the copywriter has taken coursework in marketing, which can give them a helpful foundation for building their SEO knowledge.

Benefits of Working with Digital Marketing Freelancers

If you're a small or medium-sized business owner, you know how important it is to have a solid online presence. In today's digital age, potential customers are more likely to find you through a Google search than through traditional advertising methods like print or television. 

That's why investing in SEO or search engine optimization is so important. By optimizing your website for Google's algorithm, you can increase your visibility online and attract more organic traffic to your site. One of the best ways to do this is by working with a freelance SEO copywriter. 

Here are just a few of the benefits of working with a freelance SEO copywriter: 

SEO Copywriters are an Affordable Option 

Working with an SEO copywriter is a wise investment for any small to medium-sized business owner who wants to increase organic growth. An SEO copywriter will save you time and money by helping you plan and organize your website content to make it easy for Google to find and index. In addition, an SEO copywriter can help you choose the right keywords to target, ensuring that your website appears in relevant search results. 

This is perhaps the most compelling reason to use digital marketing freelancers. When you hire a full-time employee, you must factor in benefits, vacation time, sick days, and payroll taxes. When you work with a freelancer, however, you only have to pay for the services you need—nothing more. This is ideal if your business is on a tight budget or if you only need help with your digital marketing on a part-time basis.

SEO Copywriters Offer Flexibility 

Another advantage of working with digital marketing freelancers is that they offer flexibility. This is especially beneficial if your business is seasonal or if you have sporadic needs throughout the year. With freelancers, you can pick and choose which services you need and when you need them—the level of commitment is adaptable according to their schedule and your budget.

A man who is an SEO copywriter working remotely from his home office. He is smiling broadly and on his phone.

Source: Jelena Danilovec/Getty Images

And since most digital marketing freelancers work remotely, you can hire freelancers from anywhere in the world. This gives you a much wider pool of talent to choose from, which means you're more likely to find a freelancer with skills and experience well-suited to your needs. Even if you're looking to improve your local SEO strategy, working with a remote freelancer from a different region can be beneficial as they can bring a fresh perspective to your business.

SEO Copywriters Bring Experience, Knowledge, and Fresh Perspectives 

When promoting your business online, experience and knowledge are priceless commodities. Fortunately, when you work with digital marketing freelancers like freelance SEO copywriters, that's exactly what you get. The best freelancers have years of experience working with businesses in all sorts of industries—so they know what works and what doesn't.  

Not only are digital marketing freelancers experts in their field, but they also bring fresh perspectives to the table. Having worked with businesses of all shapes and sizes, they've seen first-hand what works and what doesn't. This means they can offer new insights and ideas on growing your business online. So if you feel stuck in a rut, working with a digital marketing freelancer can help give you the push you need to get out of it. 

And because they work with multiple clients regularly, they're always on the cutting edge of new trends and changes in the world of digital marketing—so you can be confident knowing that your business is in good hands.  

How to Work Effectively with a Freelance SEO Copywriter

Working with a freelance SEO copywriter can be a great way to improve your online visibility without becoming an expert in this area yourself. By following these tips, you can ensure that your partnership is productive and successful.

Define the Relationship from the Start 

One of the most important things you can do when working with freelancers is to define the relationship from the start. This means having a clear understanding of what each person's roles and responsibilities are. It also means laying out expectations for communication, deadlines, and deliverables. The best way to do this is by putting together a contract or policy that both parties agree to. Requesting a scope of work or proposal from your potential freelancer is also an excellent way to understand how they would approach your project.

Communicate Regularly 

Source: Christina @ wocintechchat.com/Unsplash.com

Effective communication is key to any successful working relationship, which goes double when working with someone remotely. To avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings, set up a system for regular communication from the start. This could mean scheduling weekly check-in calls or setting up a project management tool like Asana or Trello. The important thing is that you find a communication method that works for you and your freelancer.

Onboard Your Freelancer 

Just because someone is working for you remotely or on a contractual basis doesn't mean they shouldn't understand your company's culture, values, and mission. You should onboard your freelancer just as you would any new employee. This doesn't have to be complicated; send them some introductory materials about your company, such as an overview of your history, an explanation of your products or services, and your mission statement. When they're working remotely, you might also consider having a video call so they can put a face to a name and vice versa. 

Be Clear about Objectives, Expectations, and Boundaries 

It's important to have clear objectives, expectations, and boundaries for the scope of work before starting any project with a freelancer. This goes for both sides—the freelancer should know what you expect from them, and you should know what they need from you to be successful. For example, if you want them to help increase organic traffic to your website, be specific about what tasks you need them to complete (e.g., writing blog posts, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, etc.). And if they need certain information from you to complete those tasks (e.g., access to Google Analytics), ensure that's included in the scope of work. 

Have a Transition Plan 

When working with a freelancer, it's always wise to have a transition plan in place in case things don't work out or when the project ends. This plan should include a transfer of knowledge so that someone else in your organization can pick up where the freelancer left off. For example, if the freelancer was responsible for optimizing your website's title tags and meta descriptions, ensure there is documentation covering what was accomplished and what still needs to be done. That way, if you need to end the relationship for any reason, there will be minimal disruptions to your business.

Final Thoughts on Hiring a Freelance SEO Copywriter

If you want to increase your website's traffic and improve your organic SEO, consider hiring a freelance SEO copywriter. By following the tips in this article, you can ensure that you find the right person for the job and have a productive, successful working relationship.


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